This post ran a little late – sorry! – The Musical Saw Festival was August 10
Just a reminder about the Musical Saw Festival scheduled in San Jose, California this August 10. To read the particulars, visit – Also, it’s not too late to start planning for next year.
The East Coast Saw festival 2013 was a resounding success! Thanks Natalia for hosting them every year.
Everyone of us has music inside. And it is not an abstract statement, but scientifically proved fact. Molecules of DNA “sound” inside us and it is very important if music from outside is in keeping with music inside us.
Scientists pay great attention to researches concerning music’s influence on human beings. Attention to such researches has increased recently and their results are interesting and convincing. For example, after listening classical music cows have increased their yield of milk and mimosa and petunias have grown faster and burst into bloom 2 weeks earlier. 120 breast-feed mothers took part in experiment in Japan. Some women listened classical music, other women listened pop and rock music. In first group the amount of milk increased in 20 per cent, and in second group – reduced twice.
Such researches are the attempt to synthesise science and art (music). But in ancient India science and art were considered to be the parts of single creative power. All knowledge of ancient India one can find in the Vedas (Holy Indian Scripture) and one of four main Vedas Sama-Veda is entirely dedicated to music. According to the Vedas the creating of the world started from the primordial sound “OM”, which appeared while division of the Almighty (Sadashiva) and his creative energy (Adi Shakti). “OM” was the foundation of the universe and the first musical sound.
Human subtle system consists of 7 main chakras (energetic centres) and 3 channels, which rule mental, emotional and physical life activity of person. 7 chakras of our subtle body revolve with certain frequency and form an octave, which consists of 7 tones of proper altitude. Intervals between them should reflect intervals between chakras. These tones were called musical sounds – notes (’svars’ in Indian music). They sound – sa, re, ga, ma, pa, da, ni and they are in keeping with chakras – from first till seventh. 5 notes can change (fall and rise), creating 5 additional sounds (left and right aspects of chakras). Thus, these notes are built-in subtle body and represent the ideal “repository” of information, the repository of those feelings, emotions, wishes and thoughts, which composer or performer has.
While listening music a person receives some influence on subtle level, which later appears on physical body. Same notes can bring destruction or good, it depends on the inner condition of person. For example, anger, aggression, drug intoxication and so on, which have power over the mind of composer or musician, will find the reflection in his music. There are some styles and forms in music which reflect only such bad qualities. Such music may do harm not only the musician, but also a person who listen to it. Clear, inspired people, who have lucid mind will never create such music. They created only folk music with great variety and classical music which has its roots in folk music.
Let’s listen to music, which is in keeping with music inside us.
Since Ramadan 2013 is just over I thought it would be appropriate to include an entry on the music of Ramadan.
Often accompanying the iftar meal during Ramadan are live music performances known as fas?l, a style of music from the Ottoman period.
The iftar meal with which one breaks a day’s fast during the month of Ramadan is very frequently accompanied by what is known as fas?l music. Restaurants, whether or not they’re in hotels, often boast of providing live fas?l music. It is most often compared with the chants of the medieval Roman Catholic Church although the latter seem far less complicated.
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The book is a creative introduction to African, Indian and Western musics. Each lesson is devised into an exciting discovery of the characteristics of the different musics, a stimulating journey into the creative potential of experiencing new sounds.
You may contact her, Elizabeth Oehrle on FaceBook to inquire about the book.
Come to the 33rd Annual International Musical Saw Festival, Saturday and Sunday, August 11 and 12, 2012, in and near beautiful Santa Cruz, California (which is about 2 hours south of San Francisco).
The Festival starts at 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11 with a free acoustic jam near the world’s only life-sized bronze statue of a saw player, in front of Bookshop Santa Cruz (1520 Pacific Avenue). At 6 p.m. Saturday, the cutting-edge fun moves to the outer parking lot of Roaring Camp in Felton, just seven miles north of Santa Cruz, for a free potluck dinner and jam.
The Festival’s big events begin at 10 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, at Roaring Camp, when the world’s greatest saw players join other acoustic musicians in a variety of musical performances. You’ll hear bluegrass, country, folk, gospel, blues, classical works and show tunes (though, oddly enough, no heavy metal) throughout the day. The forecast also includes outbreaks of spontaneous acoustic jams at any time.
The International Musical Saw Contest (the Saw-Off) is held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday. Later that afternoon, around 3 p.m., is the Presentation of Awards, followed by the Chorus of the Saws, when up to 50 saw players attempt to play in unison. At 4 p.m., for those who want to learn to play music that really has some teeth in it, there’s a free Musical Saw Workshop.
From beginning to end, the Saw Festival is free, and fun for the whole family. For more information, check out, or Produced by volunteers of the International Musical Saw Association, this event is sponsored in part by the Cultural Council of Santa Cruz County and KUSP Public Radio. Come to the 33rd annual Musical Saw Festival, and say you saw it here first!
I hope to meet some of you at the International Musical Saw Festival, produced by the International Musical Saw Association (IMSA) completely by volunteers. It’s a FUN event!!! If you have any questions you can email me directly at: