Learning about musical traditions from around the world at the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix. Really neat place. Here is an ‘ūd (lute) from Syria.
“The Thereminvox or Theremin was the first electronic musical instrument. Invented in 1919 by Russian Lev Sergeivitch Termen (later anglicized to Léon Théremin), the Thereminvox was an offshoot of government-sponsored research into proximity sensors. ”
I find that it is remarkable that a musical instrument invented in 1919 is played completely by hand gestures in the aiir without touching the instrument. The sound is sci-fi trekie outworldly and would have been considered magic in the the 19th century.
People pick up a musical instrument, the sound produced by which is pleasing to their mind. Different people may prefer different types of musical instruments. The first task that any beginner has to perform is choosing the right musical instrument. This is a very crucial step and requires a considerable amount of research. The research to be done here includes listening to the sounds generated by each instrument. You can do this either by going to a musical instrument store and playing all the instruments there one by one, or by looking at the internet on various websites for the sound files of each instrument.
Then you come to the task of buying an instrument. This is not a very difficult task due to the wide range of choices available to them. Different types of instruments are available at different prices. There is also a wide range of models for each instrument. The person can also look at models available on a large number of websites on the internet. These websites offer instruments at prices less than that of the local offline stores.
Now, you get to the task of learning how to play these instruments. Playing an instrument is not a difficult task as people usually think. By practicing regularly on an instrument of his choice, a person can play whatever tune he wants with terrific ease. What is required here is perseverance and constant effort.
The most effective tools to learn music more effectively in the early stages are singing, playing instruments, moving, and listening. Children usually do all these things when they start training on their musical instruments. Hence, they begin to enjoy the process and hence learning becomes an enjoyable thing for them.
The fundamental music processes are mainly creating, listening and performing. To be able to create the tune he wants, the person must have good hold over his instrument. Hence, this increases his control over his instrument. He must also listen to the good tunes played by others and analyze what variations the player is making on the instrument to generate the tune. Another important requirement to excel in the field of music is to be able to perform the tune of your choice in front of other people.
Please purchase good quality instruments even if they are a little highly priced. They generate better sounds than old instruments and increase the confidence of the player.