Another recycled piano

I just found this picture of another old piano that has been recycled into a bookshelf…

It would be great if I could do something similar with a retired Musical Saw. The problem is: Musical Saws never wear out! The greatest point of failure in Musical Saws is the bow. I’ve been using my current bow for 6 years now and only now am I considering replacing it.

Any ideas on how to recycle an old bass bow? (And considering it’s cheaper to buy a new one than to rehair it, I won’t be putting this bass bow back in service).

Old piano turned into a bookshelf

2 Replies to “Another recycled piano”

  1. The books shelves are so beautiful. I am going to show my husband this idea for the next time we come across and old piano. Sorry I don’t know much about bows and musical instruments. I am a writer not a musician, a reference to one of my favorite scifi characters. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

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